
D.H. Dilki Manoharie (1997) zit op de school Eththiligoda Sudarshi MV en kwam in  2009 bij Apeksha. Ze woont samen met haar ouders, twee zussen en een broer. Haar schoolresultaten bleven een tijdje achter en ze is zelfs een tijdje praktisch niet naar school gegaan. Ze haalde haar O/L examen, maar deed in 2015 opnieuw voor de vakken Mathematics, English en Sinhala Literature examen om haar O/L resultaten te verbeteren. Ze is na haar A/L examen in 2016 meteen gaan werken op de kwaliteitsafdeling van een kledingfabriek in Kogalle (een freetrade zone buiten Galle). Vaak zeven lange dagen in de week en dat levert haar Rs 20.000 per maand op. Dilki is nog bezig haar toekomst vorm te geven. In maart 2020 zette ze – net als de andere pupillen – op verzoek van Henny een korte zelfintroductie op papier.


I am D.H. Dilki Monahari. I am 22 years old and I live in Galle, Sri Lanka. I have 5 family members in my family. My father is a labourer, my mother is a good housewife. My elder sister is a nurse at the Kalubowila Hospital, Colombo. My brother is a machine operator at the Mona Plastic (Pvt) Ltd. It will be situated at Koggala, Sri Lanka. My younger sister is a student at the Sudarshi Maha Vidyalaya, she is a grade 09 student. My elder sister has a Government job, but she never helps us. She is very different, but I don’t know the reason.

During the last couple of years, I have been involved in the following activities: In 2018 I went to the College of Technology at Galle and I completed a 1-year course, a National Certificate of Secretarial practice in English medium – NVQ level 04. We went for an educational trip to the Sri Lankan Parliament in October 2018. In 2019 I successfully completed my six months training period at the Zonal Education Office – Kalegana, Galle (January 14 till July 13).

I joined a new job at a printing company for a few days and I joined a new training job at the Plan Designers, Galle. In 2020 I hope to do my Advanced Level examination in August 2020. That is my third (3rd) time to do the A/L exam. I’m following an English course. I have no idea for the coming 3 to 5 years now because first I want to finish my third-time Advanced Level examination and I will decide later future ideas after the examination.