S.A. Imasha Dananjini (1996) is een van de vijf jongeren die Apeksha vanaf 2007 ondersteunt. Ze woont bij haar tante; haar moeder werkt in Saoedi Arabië en haar vader is overleden. Imasha slaagde in 2012 voor haar O/L-examen. Eind april 2016 kreeg ze de mogelijkheid om een opleidingsstage te doen bij het LightHouse Hotel in Galle, waar ze nu nog steeds werkt. In maart 2020 zette ze – net als de andere pupillen – op verzoek van Henny een korte zelfintroductie op papier.

My name is Imasha Dhananjani. I am working at Jetwing Lighthouse hotel as a Guest Relation Officer (GRO). That’s a small introduction of myself. I know you all know about me.
I have big aims in my life. Some aims are about to empower my job and some are about my personal life. That was not an easy way. Sometimes I faced many struggles and provocation. From time to time I had to make a different resolution.
When I was working at the hotel I started the Diploma in English for Professional course in National Institute of Business Management – Galle (NIBM ) in 2019. In this course, I improved my English knowledge. And also my spoken, listening and writing in also it was very useful my job. I faced a two-semester examination and good results. The graduation ceremony will be held on August 2020.
2019 was a happy and very special year for me. I met a lot of friends and I learned a lot of all well build up my future. In 2020 I hope to start a language course after graduation. I like German and French language. I think it’s very interesting. It is a 06 months course. Finally, I would like to thank Apeksha group and especially thanks to Mr Henny for joining me to Apeksha group. and also I would like to give my contribution to Apeksha help new members to accomplish their future goals.
Thank you!